Food and Poop

The best way to keep your budgies healthy is to provide them with a healthy diet. First of all, they should always have access to a cuttlebone, mineral block, and fresh water. There is some debate about seeds versus pellets; I have chosen to stick with a good seed mix (millets, grasses, oat groats, etc.) because it's what budgies eat in the wild, and the activity of shelling his seeds keeps Apollo active and stimulated while providing proper wear on his beak. The advantage of pellets is that they have essential nutrients added in that seeds don't provide. But a good way to give your budgie a balanced diet is to give him fruits and veggies everyday too.

We've experimented with all kinds of organic produce (pesticides are extra bad for birds fyi), and Apollo definitely has some favourites. He eats green leafy things every day (kale is his favourite) and he really likes shredding slices of crunchy carrots or yams. This video shows his preferred method of peeling a cucumber:

I know a lot of people are put off by poop talk, but if you want to make sure your budgies are healthy you've gotta keep an eye on the floor of their cages. Budgies hide their illnesses for as long as they can as a survival mechanic so if you notice your pet is sick because of the way he's acting take him to the vet immediately, please. (I'll be posting some stories, and pictures, about Apollo's poop related health here.)